Help the larger cause · Demand Exclusion of State Pension from Tax Free Allowance Calculation · (2024)


A Call to Save Chinatown's Shared Spaces & Keep Lion Dance Alive in Chinatown

Stand with us in solidarity as we strive for the preservation of Chinatown's cultural legacy. Our petition advocates for the continued support of vital street closures that fuel the heartbeat of our community. These closures aren't inconveniences; they are the lifeblood of our neighborhood, fostering cultural vibrancy and economic vitality. By signing, you champion the essence of Chinatown, ensuring that its streets remain alive with the spirit of tradition and opportunity for generations to come.

In supporting the continued closure of streets in Chinatown, we are advocating for:

1. Cultural Preservation: Chinatown is not just a location; it's a cultural hub. Street closures provide opportunities for cultural celebrations, festivals, and events that honor traditions, languages, and heritage. Preserving these cultural elements is crucial for maintaining the identity and pride of the community.

2. Community Engagement: When streets are closed for events like performances, night markets or parades, it creates spaces for residents to come together, socialize, and connect. These gatherings strengthen social bonds, foster a sense of belonging, and promote unity among diverse groups within Chinatown.

3. Economic Boost: Contrary to the misconception that Shared Spaces street closures hurt businesses, they often have the opposite effect. Night markets and similar events draw in crowds of both locals and tourists, leading to increased foot traffic and sales for local shops and restaurants. Additionally, these closures can attract investment and development, further stimulating the local economy.

4. Safety and Accessibility: By temporarily closing streets to vehicular traffic, these events create safer environments for pedestrians to explore and enjoy. Families can stroll without the worry of cars, and individuals with mobility challenges can navigate more easily. Furthermore, street closures often prompt city planners to consider pedestrian-friendly infrastructure improvements, enhancing accessibility for all.

5. Civic Engagement: Shared Spaces street closures for community events encourage civic participation and pride. They provide opportunities for residents to actively engage in the planning and execution of events, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment within the community. Examples include:

Creating a welcoming environment for resident and tourist families and youth to engage with our community firsthand;Empowering youth with opportunities to develop essential life skills, express creativity, and proudly celebrate and share their cultural heritage.

The demands of an opposing petition threaten to erase historical markets, fairs, festivals, and weekly street closure events that have been long cherished traditions within our community.

We urge you to help recognize the immense value that these events bring to Chinatown. Join us in supporting these events and lending your voice at our appeal hearing to ensure that our community remains open, inclusive, and vibrant for generations to come.

SIGN THIS PETITION to support Chinatown's festivals, markets, parades, Shared Spaces, and ongoing events.


We would appreciate if you can lend your voice at our appeal hearing in support of these events. The hearing will take place in-person and online through Zoom on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 5:00pm:

IN-PERSON: San Francisco City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 416Zoom: Please join the Zoom call through this link. On the right side, click "Join Here".



請您與我們團結一起,致力保護唐人街的文化遺產。 我們的請願書主張保留唐人街的共享空間並讓舞獅在唐人街繼續活躍, 唐人街共享空間會為我們社區激發更多活躍的動力。 它不僅不會帶來不便,反而會因此成為我們社區的新命脈來促進文化交流和經濟增長。透過簽名,您將捍衛唐人街的精髓,確保繼續為我們子孫後代提供一個充滿傳統精神和文化活力的社區






提供居民, 青年參與華埠社區活動的平台:共享空間的活動鼓勵青年,居民參與和自豪感。為居民積極參與活動的計劃和執行提供了機會,培養了社區內的擁有感和自主權。例如:- 為居民和遊客家庭和青年提供一個親自與我們社區接觸的歡迎環境;- 為青年提供發展基本生活技能、表達創造力、自豪慶祝和分享他們的文化遺產的機會。


我們敦促您幫助認識到共享空間為唐人街帶來的巨大價值。 您的簽名將代表與我們一起支持這些活動,並在上訴聽證會上發出您的聲音,以確保我們的社區對後代開放、包容和充滿活力。

簽署此請願書: 支持保留唐人街的共享空間並讓舞獅在唐人街繼續活躍!




現場參加:舊金山市政廳,卡爾頓·B·古德利特博士廳416室Zoom:請透過此連結加入 Zoom 通話。 在右側,點擊 “Join Here”。


(Please see a letter from the Founder of LionDanceME, Norman Lau. 請參閱LionDanceME創辦人, 劉世民, 的來信.)

Dear Community Members,

We thank you for bringing up the appeal and petition to our attention. I am writing in response to the petition circulating regarding the street closures in Chinatown.

First, to clear up any misunderstanding, we would like to share the Petition Letter from the Merchants of Grant Avenue that was sent to the City.

As someone who is deeply involved with LionDanceME and heavily impacted by the accusations made in the petition, I feel compelled to provide my perspective on this matter, particularly regarding our involvement in the Shared Spaces initiative on Grant Avenue.

Contrary to the claims made in the petition, LionDanceME is not merely an outside performer or vendor taking advantage of the community. We are an integral part of Chinatown, paying rent within the community, and primarily comprising over 200 youth participants, with the majority hailing from low-income families. Our performances are entirely free to the public and are aimed at fostering a sense of community, cultural vibrancy, and providing a platform for youth to celebrate their heritage and showcase their talents. We do not sell anything. There are no outside booths or vendors.

Our cultural performances and events held for Shared Spaces on Grant Avenue serve to enrich the cultural tapestry of Chinatown, attracting visitors and boosting the local economy. The vibrancy and vitality of Chinatown are essential for its survival and growth, and these events play a pivotal role in preserving its cultural heritage and identity.

The LionDanceME performances for Shared Spaces on Grant Avenue are carried out steps away from our studio and regularly involves only the closure of one block of Chinatown, one day a week, for a few hours. The performances are also not limited to Chinese lion dancing, but also include performances by youth dance groups and singers.

LionDanceME may hold longer events for occasions such as World Lion and Dragon Dance Day and a handful of celebrations for AAPI Heritage Month, such as the Inter-League Competition or the Youth Dance Revolution events. Contrary to the “Keep Chinatown Open” petition, these events are not disturbances to local residents; rather, they offer a welcome respite from urban life, allowing community members and organizations to come together and celebrate our shared heritage. These events foster unity, strengthen social bonds, and promote a greater sense of community cohesion.

Furthermore, Shared Spaces on Grant Avenue does not drive business away from local merchants. Instead, the initiative provides a unique opportunity for businesses to showcase their products and attract customers, thereby generating increased foot traffic and revenue for the local economy. Additionally, our organization contributes to the community by investing thousands of dollars yearly out of our own pockets to provide meals to our student members, further supporting the local Chinatown businesses. I would also like to point out that we do not have any monetary gain from these street closures.

To add, I must address the offensive assertions made in the petition letter, particularly regarding cultural appropriation and the appropriate celebration of lion dance. The assertion that lion dance should only be celebrated at Lunar New Year is not only offensive but also demonstrates a lack of awareness of the art of lion dance, which is celebrated around the world. Lion dance holds cultural significance beyond reserving such performances for “important holidays and other significant occasions” – it is an art to be shared and carried on through generations.

LionDanceME and our student clubs do not view this form of art as a gimmick tied to a specific holiday or need to attract tourists; instead, we are proud to practice and share our heritage year-round. While the letter explicitly states that the Merchants of Grant Avenue are not “anti-lion dancing”, the underlying implications and suggestions put forth in the letter indicating how we, as practitioners, should preserve the art suggest otherwise.

As someone born and raised in Chinatown, with a deep commitment to giving back to the community for over 40 years, I find these remarks deeply offensive and disrespectful. LionDanceME is committed to providing a safe and inclusive space for young individuals of all backgrounds to unlock their highest potential. Our mission is to empower youth through a range of artistic endeavors, leadership opportunities, and community-building initiatives. We encourage our students to give back and embrace their cultural heritage - whether it is through performing arts, like lion and dragon dancing, or through other expressions. One cannot discount our Chinese cultural heritage because they believe that it should only be done when they feel is culturally appropriate like Lunar New Year.

We take great care to ensure that our events are inclusive and accessible to all members of the community, including those with disabilities. Our communication efforts are extensive, and we have obtained permissions for Shared Spaces on Grant Avenue for the past three years with minimal complaints. We are disheartened by the misleading and hurtful claims made against our organization. We are committed to addressing any concerns in a civil and timely manner and fostering open communication and collaboration within the community.

In conclusion, we are eager to engage in constructive dialogue and find mutually beneficial solutions moving forward. Our goal is to ensure that all voices are heard and that our initiatives benefit everyone involved.


Norman Lau


我們感謝您向我們提出上訴和請願書。 我寫這封信是為了回應有關唐人街封鎖街道的請願書。


作為一個深入參與 LionDanceME 並深受請願書指控影響的人,我覺得有必要就此事發表我的看法,特別是關於我們參與格蘭特大道共享空間倡議的觀點。

與請願書中的說法相反,LionDanceME 不僅僅是利用社區的外部表演者或供應商。 我們是唐人街不可分割的一部分,在社區內支付租金,主要由 200 多名青年參與者組成,其中大多數來自低收入家庭。 我們的表演完全免費向公眾開放,旨在培養社區意識和文化活力,並為年輕人提供一個慶祝他們的傳統和展示才華的平台。 我們不賣任何東西。 沒有外部攤位或攤販。

我們在格蘭特大道的共享空間舉辦的文化表演和活動豐富了唐人街的文化,吸引遊客並促進當地經濟。 唐人街的活力和活力對其生存和發展至關重要,這些活動在保護其文化遺產和特徵方面發揮關鍵作用。

LionDanceME 在格蘭特大道共享空間的表演距離我們的工作室僅幾步之遙,並且定期只關閉唐人街的一個街區,每週一天,持續幾個小時。 表演也不僅限於中國舞獅,還包括青年舞蹈團和歌手的表演。

LionDanceME 可能會在世界舞獅舞龍日等場合舉辦時間較長的活動,並為亞太裔傳統月舉辦一些慶祝活動,例如聯盟間比賽或青年舞蹈革命活動。 與「保持唐人街開放」請願相反,這些事件並不是對當地居民的騷擾;而是對當地居民的騷擾。 相反,它們提供了遠離城市生活的令人愉悅的休息場所,讓社區成員和組織能夠聚集在一起慶祝我們共同的遺產。 這些活動促進團結,加強社會聯繫,增強社區凝聚力。

此外,格蘭特大道上的共享空間不會影響當地商家的業務。 相反,該措施為企業提供了展示產品和吸引客戶的獨特機會,從而增加了當地經濟的人流和收入。 此外,我們的組織每年自掏腰包投資數千美元為學生會員提供餐食,為社區做出貢獻,進一步支持當地唐人街企業。 我還想指出,我們並沒有從這些街道封鎖中獲得任何金錢利益。

另外,我必須回應請願信中提出的攻擊性主張,特別是有關文化挪用和適當慶祝舞獅的言論。 認為舞獅只應在農曆新年慶祝的說法不僅令人反感,而且表明人們對世界各地慶祝的舞獅藝術缺乏認識。 舞獅不僅具有「重要節日和其他重要場合」的表演意義,還具有文化意義——它是一種可以代代相傳和傳承的藝術。

LionDanceME 和我們的學生俱樂部並不將這種藝術形式視為與特定節日相關的噱頭或吸引遊客的需要; 相反,我們很自豪能夠全年實踐和分享我們的傳統。 雖然這封信明確指出格蘭特大道的商人並不是“反舞獅”,但信中提出的潛在含義和建議表明我們作為從業者應該如何保護這門藝術,但事實並非如此。

作為一個在唐人街出生長大的人,四十多年來一直致力於回饋社區,我發現這些言論非常無禮和不尊重。 LionDanceME 致力於為各種背景的年輕人提供一個安全和包容的空間,以釋放他們的最大潛力。 我們的使命是透過一系列藝術活動、領導機會和社區建設措施來賦予年輕人權力。 我們鼓勵學生回饋並擁抱他們的文化遺產——無論是透過舞獅、舞龍等表演藝術,還是透過其他表現形式。 人們不能低估我們的中國文化遺產,因為他們認為只有在他們認為文化上合適的時候才應該這樣做,例如農曆新年。

我們非常謹慎地確保我們的活動具有包容性並可供社區所有成員(包括殘疾人)參與。 我們進行了廣泛的溝通,並且在過去三年中我們已經獲得了格蘭特大道上共享空間的許可,並且投訴很少。 我們對針對我們組織的誤導性和傷害性的指控感到沮喪。 我們致力於以文明、及時的方式解決任何問題,並促進社區內的開放溝通與合作。

總之,我們渴望進行建設性對話並找到互利的解決方案。 我們的目標是確保所有聲音都能被聽到,並且我們的舉措使所有參與者受益。




Below is the letter from the Grant Avenue Merchants. Please note that we have removed a few pages of the letter to protect the names of those who signed it.以下是都板街的商人的來信. 請注意,我們刪除了這封信的幾頁,以保護簽名者的姓名。

Help the larger cause · Demand Exclusion of State Pension from Tax Free Allowance Calculation · (2024)


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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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